Becoming an effective leader could deliver the highest ROI of any investment in your success. Here are 5 keys to effective leadership.
Is a Coach for Entrepreneurs Right for You?
For an entrepreneur to succeed, they need the right mindset, skills, and ability to execute their ideas. The challenge is, skills and experience can only take you so far. That’s where a coach for entrepreneurs can close the gap. Here are four questions to ask to see if working with a business coach is right for you.
Turning Failure to Your Advantage
Failure can be a powerful teacher—if you process it carefully and wring all the juice out of it. Here are 5 steps for turning failure to your advantage.
The Undervalued Zone of the Freedom Compass
Some tasks you don’t enjoy or do well. But that can change with 4 strategies for developing your passion and proficiency for any kind of work.
5 Reasons You Need a Business Coach
In early 2002, I was the general manager of Nelson Books, one of Thomas Nelson Publishers’ fourteen divisions. In eighteen months, we had gone from number 14—dead last—to number one in terms of revenue growth and profit margin. I felt great. I was proud of myself and my team for the results we’d achieved. That […]
How to Weigh the Benefits of In-Person and Remote Work
Many companies are struggling with the question of in-person vs. remote work. Here are the benefits of both, and a third way to consider.
How to Grow Your Business with 20% of the Work
Leaders should only be in the first and last 10% of any project. Here’s how to take back the middle 80%, so you can focus on high-leverage work.
5 Keys to Taking a Vacation You Don’t Regret Later
If you’ve fallen behind on a goal you hoped to achieve, you’re in good company. You still have agency in this story. To rescue your goals, start by considering these 4 simple steps.
Rescue Your Goals in 4 Simple Steps
If you’ve fallen behind on a goal you hoped to achieve, you’re in good company. You still have agency in this story. To rescue your goals, start by considering these 4 simple steps.
The Key to Diagnosing and Solving Your Business Problems
Most leaders are born problem solvers. But if we’re not careful, we misdiagnose most problems. Here are 3 elements that help you solve any business issue.
20 Things I Learned from My Bosses (Even the Bad Ones)
You usually don’t get to choose your boss, but you can learn from them. Here are 20 things I have learned from my bosses over the years.
2 Actions to Avoid When Creating Compelling Goals
It’s possible to break the cycle of setting goals you eventually give up on. To create compelling goals, avoid these two actions.
How to Find the Balance You Need for the Life You Want
To get the life you want, you need balance. Get clear on where you are right now across the 10 life domains by taking the LifeScore Assessment.
3 Truths for When Your Goals Feel Uncomfortable
If you want to experience your full potential, you will have to get comfortable with discomfort by remembering these 3 truths.
8 Traits of the Entrepreneurial Mindset
Entrepreneurial success is more about mindset than position. Here are 8 traits of the entrepreneurial mindset essential to long-term success.
5 Tips for Starting a Journaling Habit
Journaling leads to personal reflection and growth, but few actually do it regularly. Here are 5 tips for cultivating a journaling habit.
Put Me in, Coach!
I switched jobs for the first time at age 49. Well, technically, I had several jobs between graduate school and then, but they were all at one employer, a small Midwestern nonprofit that published a monthly magazine and ran educational programs. By the time I left that company in the spring of 2017, it was […]
The Science of Coaching
I met Dave at a residential behavioral health center in Arizona. An older man with stories to match his years, he was great with the clients and even better with our young coworkers. One story he shared has stuck with me. He had been working with a particularly unpleasant young man for several months. Let’s […]
Life’s Relief Pitching
After years of tumult and uncertainty, major parts of Steve’s life were coming together nicely. For more than four years, the website designer had held a staff position at a prominent management consulting firm. Invitations to speak on digital trends at industry conferences flowed to him. Off of work hours, the 43-year-old completed a steady […]
Why Discomfort Is Good for You
Most of us embrace comfort and resist anything that may lead to discomfort. But discomfort is our friend, because it leads to growth.
5 Reasons Why I Read So Many Books
I have always been an avid reader, but over the last few years, I’ve become much more intentional and ambitious in my reading. In 2015, I set my first challenging reading goal: to read fifty-two books in one year. By the time the year was done, the total was seventy-six. I still read at least […]
Shakespeare’s Plan for Personal Growth
In deference to easily scandalized students, Cambridge University has begun adding trigger warnings to English classes that teach some of Shakespeare’s plays. That’s a shame if it deters participation. Students—and the rest of us—could all benefit from what the Bard can teach us about personal growth. Declan Fitzsimons, Adjunct Professor of Organizational Behavior at INSEAD […]
3 Habits of Lifelong Learners
Over the years, I’ve met many influential and successful people, and I’ve observed a common trait in nearly all of them: they were all lifelong learners. If you want to win at life, this is non-negotiable. You have to become teachable. And the more teachable you are, the more successful you become. One of the […]
When Delegation Becomes Abdication
Tell me you’ve had this experience. You assign a task but then forget about it. I sure have. As a leader, I am not a micromanager. That’s good news for my team. But I have to be intentional that delegation doesn’t drift into abdication. It’s not always disastrous when this happens. If we’ve hired well, […]