The turn of the year is always a good time to evaluate what’s working in our lives, what’s not, and make any changes that will start us down a better path. As we pause and reflect on where we’ve been and where we want to go, we normally have a sense of what to do. […]
5 Tragic Losses Caused by ‘Someday Syndrome’
“You have Parkinson’s Disease,” said the doctor. It was September 22, 2011—the day before my 46th birthday. While not usually fatal, Parkinson’s is a degenerative disease. This means it inevitably worsens over time. There is no cure. I was suddenly facing the prospect of limited mobility as my future unfolded. In the movie Shawshank Redemption, […]
Run the Race You Want to Run
It was a year ago. I had dozens of people working for me. My business was losing money every month. Everyone thought I was successful, but I was stressed beyond belief. I was racing toward a meltdown. After bootstrapping my company to seven figures, I was now living in the stressful reality of running a […]
5 Reasons You’re Still Procrastinating
At work, you feel stuck in the deepest rut of all time. You try to move forward but the groove is deep and you’re wedged in there pretty good. Sound familiar? It happens to most leaders at some point. I’ve found the best way to get yourself out of the rut is to understand the […]
The Paradigm Shift That Helped Me Defeat Perfectionism Once and for All
There’s nothing more useless than unfinished projects. But it’s easy to watch them stack up, isn’t it? So what can we do to wrap them up and ship them out? I’ve been thinking a lot about unfinished projects since watching this video by my friend, Jeff Walker. Don Miller has also talked recently about completing […]
How Millionaires Manage Their Time
[guestpost]This is a guest post by Jaime Tardy. She has interviewed over 130 millionaires on her blog and just published a new book about what she’s learned. It’s called, The Eventual Millionaire: How Anyone Can Be an Entrepreneur and Successfully Grow Their Startup. You can follow her on Twitter.[/guestpost] Let’s face it. One of the […]
Embrace Permanent Beta and Launch
At some point, you have to stop procrastinating and launch. The easiest way to do so is to embrace the strategy of “permanent beta.” Here’s how.