We often assume that people simply are a certain way. “She’s such a bright, sunny person.” “He’s always such a gloomy Gus.” Nature gives us optimists and pessimists, and that’s all there is to it. But according to Jon Gordon, that’s a myth, a limiting belief that may be holding you back. He says this […]
How to Make Positivity Go Viral in Your Organization
We’re used to hearing about people getting sick at the office. Someone brings in the cold or the flu, and it spreads. But that’s not the only thing that goes viral in the workplace. For a couple of decades now, researchers have been studying something called emotional contagion. It’s important for leaders to understand because […]
3 Surprising Ways to Defuse Your Stress Bomb
If there is one thing that defines our work experience today, it’s stress. It can be exhausting or exciting—often both. But if we’re not proactive, it can really ding our health. For several years I mentored a small group of young professionals. We met once a month and discussed our jobs, families, and personal lives. […]
7 Steps to Becoming a Happy Person Others Want to Be Around
Complaining about others hurts you in more ways than you can imagine. Fortunately, you can change this and become a person others seek out and want to be around.