If you are like many Americans, you spend more time working than ever. You’re also more likely to work weekends than in years past. We can blame decades-long efforts by companies to boost productivity (ending a century of declines in work hours) and the evolution of work-at-home arrangements for some of the extra hours. But […]
Want to Earn a Living Creating? Here’s Your Mountain
At this point in my career, I’ve sold a lot of books. But I was hardly an overnight success. First came work in publishing and agenting. I learned how book sales worked—and didn’t work—well before I published a word of my own. I want to use my experience here to puncture a thought bubble I […]
The Secret to Negotiating a Better Deal
Years ago, I received some great advice about how to negotiate the deal you want. In fact, I would say this is the secret to successful negotiating.
What I’ve Learned From Being Fired
It’s easy to look at successful people and envy their situation. What you often don’t see is the pain they went through to get there. I’ve made lots of mistakes. In fact, I’ve actually been fired from three jobs. Here’s what I learned.
What to Do When You Hate Your Job
Many people feel trapped in a job they hate but don’t believe they can quit. They feel stuck and, as a result, their life is miserable. Do you know someone like this?
The Secret Productivity Advantage of Workday Breaks
We all know that sitting for long periods of time isn’t good for our bodies. Standing boosts our energy and our mood. That’s why I use and recommend a standup desk. But there’s more to it than more time on your feet. It’s also important to get those feet moving. Our bodies just aren’t designed to […]
The Crazy Way We Work [Infographic]
When I think of one word to describe contemporary work habits, it’s unsustainable. We’re working drastically longer hours, while incurring high physical and emotional costs, for only marginal gains in productivity. We created this infographic to illustrate some interesting (and surprising) stats on our struggle with productivity in the modern workplace. Feel free to share […]
The Fine Line Between Working Hard and Letting Go
In life, we have to learn there is a fine line between working hard and forcing an outcome that isn’t meant to be. Sometimes we have to let go and simply trust.
Are Limiting Beliefs Keeping You Trapped at Work?
A year after the New York Times published a brutal exposé on Amazon’s 24/7, on-the-job culture, the retail giant announced it was experimenting with a thirty hour workweek for some of its employees. As far as I’m concerned, this is great news. When I talk with entrepreneurs, executives, and other leaders, I regularly hear they’re […]
The Importance of Crossing Daily Finish Lines
I am mostly offline, attending a business conference. I have asked several bloggers to post in my absence. This is a guest post by Tom Basson, the spiritual growth pastor at Grace Family Church in Durban, South Africa. You can connect with him on his blog or follow him on Twitter. If you want to guest […]
Should You Dare to Think About a Sabbatical?
A sabbatical may be just what you need. Don’t be too quick to dismiss the idea. With a little planning, it might be possible.