Failure can be a powerful teacher—if you process it carefully and wring all the juice out of it. Here are 5 steps for turning failure to your advantage.
How to Recover When You Blow It Big Time
We all have bad days in business, right? And sometimes they’re beyond just bad. We drop a ball, miss a sale, or hurt a colleague. Suddenly, we’re doubting ourselves, doubting our worth, doubting everything. My goal-setting course, 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever, is very successful and helps a ton of people every year. […]
3 Major Mistakes I Haven’t Shared Until Now
People often look at my success and assume I haven’t had any failures. Excuse me while I laugh. Have you seen my recent blooper reel? The truth is I have experienced plenty of failure. And many are a lot worse than a flubbed line. I just don’t usually publicize them.
Your Life Is the Sum of Your Choices
The secret to change is the willingness to accept responsibility for our choices. Once we do that, anything becomes possible.
What’s at Stake If You Don’t Succeed?
Think of your biggest goal. What is at stake if you achieve it? What is at stake if you don’t. Here’s how I learned about the importance of having skin in the game.
How to Fail Well
As a leader, it’s not whether you will fail but HOW. In this guest post, Nathan Rouse shares five principles for failing well.
How to Compost Your Failures
Your failures, whether they’re relational, vocational or ministry-related, are fodder for future growth. Guest poster Mary DeMuth explains four ways this is true.
What Do You Wish You Knew Then That You Know Now?
In this guest post, Adam Donyes talks about what he learned from interviewing fifteen, older, wiser men about life’s most important lessons.
6 Ways Leaders Can Build Trust
One of the most important parts of being an effective leader is building trust. In this guest post, Dr. Jeremy Statton provides 6 ways leaders can do this with their teams.
Candid Answers to Tough Leadership Questions: An Interview
Last spring, Jim Bradford , Dean of Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University, interviewed me on my leadership philosophy and practice. … How social media fits into my role as a CEO and why I think it is critical to my company’s success.
Two Postures Toward Change
Change is difficult for most organizations. It is made even more difficult when leaders resist it. It is my observation that leaders have either one of two postures when it comes to change. This makes all the difference in terms of the outcome. Let me explain.