If we are going to create wow experiences, we must become courageous. This is a personal, psychological bridge we need to cross. What we want—that wow experience—is on the other side of the ravine. There’s no other way to get there from here.
The Hidden Blessings in a Slow Start
When we set goals, there’s nothing more frustrating than getting a slow start. We can see the target, we know where we want to go, but we can’t seem to get traction. That’s how I felt with our recent fall enrollment campaign for Platform University. We actually beat our goal in the end, but as […]
The Reflex of Character
The foundation of effective leadership is character. Nothing else has more impact. Nothing else has greater reach. And nothing else can make up for its lack—not education, experience, talent, or contacts. Every now and then you hear a story about someone’s character that brings this principle into sharp focus. Gail and had this experience when […]
What If You Work for a Bad Leader?
Maybe your boss is a jerk. Maybe he is just incompetent. Regardless, few of us get to work for great leaders. Here are five ways to cope.
Courage Is Not the Absence of Fear
Courage is not the absence of fear. It is the willingness to act in spite of my fear. Here’s how I learned this invaluable lesson.
How to Compost Your Failures
Your failures, whether they’re relational, vocational or ministry-related, are fodder for future growth. Guest poster Mary DeMuth explains four ways this is true.
How to Coach Your Boss
Much has been written on the topic of coaching employees. But very little has been written on the topic of coaching your boss. Here are eight suggestions for doing so.
Don’t Shoot the Messenger!
We’ve all heard someone say, “Don’t shoot the messenger.” We have sayings like this because delivering bad news is a difficult job. Here’s how to make it easier.
Finding the Courage to Speak Up
I don’t like conflict. In fact, sometimes I think I am conflictaphobic. (I just made that word up.) I will do almost anything to avoid it. However, soon after I became head of one of our publishing divisions, I had to confront one of my authors. He was pleasant and cooperative when I spoke with him. But he was demanding, uncooperative, and downright nasty to my staff. Finally, one of them came to me, nearly in tears, and said, “I’m sorry, but I just can’t take it any more.” I had to make a choice.
6 Steps to More Courage
The one thing that will keep you from settling is courage. This is the only thing that gives life to the dream once the initial magic wears off. In my experience, there are six ways to find the courage you need to swim against the tide and stand for wow.