Years ago, I learned a valuable lesson: the answers we get are determined by the questions we ask. Here are seven better questions you can ask in the midst of adversity.
Why You Should Welcome Problems
Several years ago, I was having a really rough day at the office. It seemed everything that could go wrong was going wrong—at the worst possible time.
How to Live a Life That Matters: 5 Lessons from Maya Angelou
The desire to create lasting transformation in the world is what really drives us as leaders, right? Since the news of her death, I’ve been thinking a lot about Maya Angelou. Her legacy offers several valuable insights for living a life of true significance. The odds were against Angelou in her early years. Her parents […]
How to Solve Almost Any Problem (Hopefully)
I’ve had my share of pain and setbacks. I’ve experienced a catastrophic business failure. I’ve been fired by clients. I’ve struggled in my marriage. I’ve had children with chronic and debilitating diseases. And I’ve had my own health crises. Fortunately, right now things are going well (knock on wood). But I do struggle with one […]
Is It an Obstacle or an Opportunity?
In this short video, a classical violist is interrupted by the ring of a cell phone in the audience. Notice how he turns an obstacle into an opportunity.
Two Postures Toward Change
Change is difficult for most organizations. It is made even more difficult when leaders resist it. It is my observation that leaders have either one of two postures when it comes to change. This makes all the difference in terms of the outcome. Let me explain.