
An Interview with Seth Godin [Video]

Several weeks ago, I had the privilege of hosting the Chick-fil-A Leadercast Backstage program. I interviewed several notable authors as they came off the stage, including John Maxwell, Sir Ken Robinson, Dan Cathy, Suzy Welch, Frans Johansson, and several others. I thought I would share these with you over the next several weeks.

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This one is with Seth Godin. He talked about several topics, including:

  • Why things are the way they are
  • The massive change we are witnessing in almost every field
  • Why the “new normal” is the chance of a lifetime
  • How people can approach change
  • Why we experience stress
  • Why he started The Domino Project and how it is disrupting the publishing industry
  • The old model of publishing compared to the new
  • What kind of push-back has he received from traditional publishers
  • His advice he has for new authors (caution: this is radical)
  • Why authors don’t need to wait to be picked
  • The role of traditional publishers in the future
  • His favorite book out of all the ones he has written (I hadn’t even heard of it!)

Seth was as delightful as always. I could have talked with him for hours.

Question: Of all the comments Seth made, what intrigued you the most? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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