As we celebrate the Full Focus Planner’s 5-year anniversary, we reflect on the journey and offer 3 key insights about successful innovation.
Learning to Embrace Risk
When you really get down to the bottom line, you’ve got to be willing to risk something—whether it is risking your reputation, finances, time—in order to really grow.Â
How Entrepreneurs Can Succeed at Work Without Blowing Up Their Marriages
If I had a dollar for every time people asked my wife, Gail, how she lives with an entrepreneur, I wouldn’t have to be one. Scratch that. I would probably figure out how to get more people to ask the question. (Sorry, I can’t help myself!) Being an entrepreneur is part of who I am. […]
Yes, Life is Risky—Dive in Anyway
Life comes at us in waves. Sometimes the surge ripples gently by. Other times it can pound the daylights out of us and leave us gasping for breath. How do we respond when that happens? I live with my family in Colorado so my kids are more familiar with soaring mountains and sweeping plains than […]
Why Frequent Trips Outside Your Comfort Zone Are So Important
If you are out to accomplish something significant, you are going to be spending a lot of time outside your comfort zone. Here are seven ways to maximize the experience.
What’s at Stake If You Don’t Succeed?
Think of your biggest goal. What is at stake if you achieve it? What is at stake if you don’t. Here’s how I learned about the importance of having skin in the game.
Five Leadership Lessons from Steve Jobs
Beyond his cultural and technological contributions, the legacy of Steve Jobs offers up five leadership lessons. In this guest post, Tor Constantino explains.