I have worked with authors for more than three decades. Based on my observations, here are 7 characteristics that separate the highly successful ones from the others.
The Magic of an Outside Perspective
Personal growth comes from self-awareness, and the practice of journaling is a phenomenal way to start that process with regular reflection—as long as your reflection is accurate. If you’ve ever been to a playground or circus with fun mirrors, you know the slightest bend to a mirror creates a distorted image that reflects your image […]
Reach Is Not the Same as Influence
One way you can reach a larger audience quickly is to piggyback on established email lists from bloggers and businesses with similar interests. “Third party email marketing, whether for Business to Business (B2B) or Business to Consumer (B2C) is a great way of finding new customers and can be an awesome resource for new, fresh […]
Where Are You in Building Online Influence?
Most people recognize the value of an online platform. When you have one, you can reach more people with your message, products, or hard-won expertise. You multiply both your influence and your income. Everybody wins. The problem is that building an online following can feel daunting. I talk to people all the time who want […]
How to Become a Big Thinker
Many people fail because they are afraid to dream. Their thinking is too small. In this post I provide seven steps for becoming a big thinker.
Why I Changed My Email Newsletter Strategy
I decided to change my email newsletter strategy last month. For years, I sent the entire blog post in the body of the email. We used a custom template that included many of the design elements from my blog. For a long time, that served us well. But we are no longer doing that. Instead, […]
4 Stages for Creating Maximum Impact for Your Message
I create a lot of content across my blog, podcast, online courses, books, and membership site. And sometimes readers and other content creators wonder about my strategy. The other day I heard from a reader who not only follows my blog and podcast, but is also a Platform University member and follows #VirtualMentor. When he […]
Why You Don’t Need a Huge Platform to Get Published—And What it Really Takes Instead
These days everyone knows that you need a platform to get published. But if you’re like a lot of people I meet, you’re overwhelmed, short on time, and not sure where to begin. It feels impossible. But what if I told you it’s easier than you think? Part of our problem is that we blow […]
The 8 Key Elements of a Successful Product Launch
We open registration for Platform University twice a year. We just completed the relaunch for the fall, and it went extremely well—in fact, we beat our goal. But not every launch works, and sometimes we’re left wondering, “Why did my product bomb?” A friend recently asked for my input on why her product launch failed. […]
The Secret to Becoming a Standout
[guestpost]This is a guest post by my new podcast co-host, Michele Cushatt. She is a communicator and storyteller whose speaking experiences include Women of Faith, Focus on the Family, and Compassion International. You can read her blog and follow her on Twitter. Michele will also be speaking at this year’s Platform Conference, November 9-11 in […]
How I Increased My Income by 250% While Spending More Time with Family and Friends
When I left the corporate suite at Thomas Nelson I planned to write and speak full time. And that’s exactly what I did at first. One year in fact I gave over 40 keynotes. It felt great! It also felt totally, utterly, completely exhausting. I had come to the realization that, even as an executive […]
How to Get Over Your Fear of Public Speaking
According to psychologists, most people have a greater fear of public speaking than of death. As someone who trains speakers professionally, I can attest this is true. It certainly was for me. Even after I had been speaking publicly for years, I still struggled with fear. Even when I was well-prepared. This happened nearly every […]
How a Quick Analysis of Your Top Posts Can Improve Your Blogging Results Next Year
Now is a good time to review your previous year’s blogging results. Here are my top 10 posts and what I learned from evaluating them.
5 Steps to Building Your Platform [Infographic]
I thought it would be cool to create an infographic for my new book, Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World. Thanks to Dave Whitlock of Principle Design for creating this for me. http://principledesign.com
How to Monetize Your Blog without Selling Your Soul
Sure you enjoy blogging, but wouldn’t it be cool if you could make some money from all the effort. You can! Here are three methods.
How to Create the Ultimate Online Media Kit
Before you launch your new product, service, or cause, you need to develop an online media kit. Here are eight components you need to include if you want to create the ultimate tool for prospective partners and super fans.
The 4 Components of a Compelling Elevator Pitch
Before you launch your product, service, or cause, you need “an elevator pitch.” Here are three reasons why and four components it should include.
How to Use Free to Drive Your Marketing Strategy
In the last decade, we have witnessed the “free revolution.” While this might not be a viable business model, it can be a brilliant marketing strategy. Here are 10 idea-starters to make free work for you.
How to Secure Raving Endorsements for Your Product or Service
If you are going to succeed as a creative, you must secure third-party endorsements for you products. Here is a step-by-step plan for getting the endorsements you want.
Why You Can’t Succeed as a Creative Without a Team
As a creative—author, speaker, recording artist—you need a team. You can’t go it alone. You may have to start small, but you have to enroll others to help you get to your destination.
How to Build a Better Speaking Page, Part 2
Now that public speaking has become my primary focus, I thought it was time I revamped my Speaking page. I thought I would document the process here, in the event that you are thinking about “going pro.” This is the second of two posts.
How to Build a Better Speaking Page, Part 1
Now that public speaking has become my primary focus, I thought it was time I revamped my Speaking page. I thought I would document the process here, in the event that you are thinking about “going pro.” This is the first of two posts.
5 Steps to Building a Platform When You Hate Selling Yourself
You know you need to build a platform, but the thought of self-promotion makes your toenails curl. If so, you’re not alone. In this guest post by Robin Sullivan, she shares 5 steps for getting started in social media.
How Social Media Saved a Movie
The movie, Blue Like Jazz, was dead. But two fans resurrected it. All they had was a dream—and the power of social media. They have just made history.