There comes a point in every story when you are ready to quit. It could be a relationship, a project, or your job. Regardless, you’ve had enough, and you are ready to “throw in the towel.”
donald miller
What I Learned from Donald Miller about Being Brave
Donald Miller’s newest book, Scary Close: Dropping the Act and Finding True Intimacy, is out and off to a great start. I can see why. It’s his best book so far. I’ve known Don for over a decade. He was one of our bestselling authors at Thomas Nelson, during the time I was publisher, president, […]
The 8 Key Elements of a Successful Product Launch
We open registration for Platform University twice a year. We just completed the relaunch for the fall, and it went extremely well—in fact, we beat our goal. But not every launch works, and sometimes we’re left wondering, “Why did my product bomb?” A friend recently asked for my input on why her product launch failed. […]
The Myth of Fun, Fast, and Easy (and Why It Keeps You from Getting the Results You Want)
Starting things is simple. It’s progress that’s hard. Nothing makes that truth come alive like looking back on your week and seeing what didn’t get finished. When we begin a project there’s all kinds of enthusiasm. We’re energized by that surge of excitement that comes from novelty and our own creativity. But that surge is […]
How Social Media Saved a Movie
The movie, Blue Like Jazz, was dead. But two fans resurrected it. All they had was a dream—and the power of social media. They have just made history.