Personal Development

How to Get Clear, Get Motivated, and Get Started in 2014

5 Days to Your Best Year Ever

It’s easy to get lost in the moment when hiking through a place like the Colorado Rockies. It happened to me recently. After following a winding trail up a flower-covered slope, I returned down the same trail—or so I thought.

5 Days to Your Best Year Ever

It was several minutes before I realized that I was in the wrong place. Things looked different. The landmarks had changed. Somewhere along the way I had taken a wrong turn and ended up here.

I was lost!

Thankfully, I was using an iPhone exercise app that tracked my path. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, praying I still had a signal. “Yes!” I exclaimed out loud as I saw five full bars.

I could see my path on the map and exactly where I wandered off course. It wasn’t long before I was back on track and headed in the right direction.

Now that 2013 is winding down, are you looking up and wondering how you got where you are?

A GPS for Your Life

We start off with the right intentions, but it’s easy to get off track as the weeks and months pile up. We get buried in the day-to-day and lose sight of our goals.

How many New Years’ resolutions have you made and forgotten? It could be a goal about your fitness, personal development, family, or spiritual life. If statistics and personal experience mean anything, there’s a real chance you’ll miss your destination.

That was my story. Instead of achieving my goals, it seemed like I lost ground every year. I needed a solution, a GPS for my life.

I was so frustrated with repeatedly missing my goals I finally created a system for keeping them and helping me make consistent, significant progress. I’ve been using it for years now—studying, synthesizing, and refining along the way. It really works, and I want to share it with you.

There is nothing more satisfying than hitting a goal, and I never feel better about my life than when I’m making progress toward goals that really matter.

What if 2014 was your year for getting clear on your destination?

Five Days to Your Best Year Ever

I am excited to share with you my new video course, Five Days To Your Best Year Ever. I designed it to help you get clear on your goals, discover what’s holding you back, and show you what you need to make progress today.

It’s the GPS that can take you from where you are right now to where you want to be tomorrow. Watch this video, the third in my free introductory series, to find out more.

Five Days To Your Best Year Ever helps you:

  • understand the possibility of personal and professional breakthroughs;
  • get closure on the last year and set yourself up for success in the next;
  • learn how to set effective, achievable goals;
  • see the power of connecting emotionally to your goals so you can stay motivated when things get tough; and
  • beat fear, procrastination, and that horrible feeling of being overwhelmed we all experience.

Best of all, the videos and downloadable worksheets guide you through several proven exercises to get clear, get motivated, and get started.

You can do the course in just a few minutes a day for the next five days, or knock it out in one sitting. Either way, I can tell you from personal experience that few investments of your time will be as essential to your success and happiness as working on your goals.

The video above has all you need to know about getting enrolled and making 2014 your year for achievement.

Don’t let prior setbacks hold you back. All it takes is five days to make the next 360 your best ever.

Note: Usually I ask you to comment here—and you can if you want. But I’d be grateful if you would leave me a comment under the free video when you click over to watch it. I’d love to hear what you are thinking about next year.

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