Many of us are familiar with the game of Jenga. At first, you confidently place the blocks on top of each other and see them build, but as the game progresses and the structure starts to weaken, the blocks seem heavier, the Jenga tower becomes unstable and ultimately, it collapses. At times, life can feel […]
About Rachel Rowney
Why You Need an Unplugged Vacation
Take a moment and think about the last vacation you had. For those of you who said, “Vacation? What vacation?” you’re not alone. The adult population of the U.S. has some of the lowest amounts of vacation days in the world. In fact, in 2019, The Center for Economic and Policy Research released a study […]
Boost Your Energy to Achieve Your Goals
Ralph Waldo Emerson once proclaimed: “The world belongs to the energetic.” Well, Mr. Emerson didn’t have to navigate the many complexities of 21st-century life, but his statement still holds true. How many of us feel that mid-afternoon slump? Or flop into bed exhausted but unable to fall asleep until midnight? Juggling our seemingly endless personal […]
Automate Your Business and Simplify Your Life
It’s 6:30 a.m. and your alarm just went off. You get out of bed, shower, brush your teeth and put on a pot of coffee. Every day. Like clockwork. Your morning routine is automated. You don’t really have to think about it. It’s a ritual. We have processes in place for some of the simplest […]
Four Tactics for Automating Your Tasks and Creating Space for Work-Life Balance
It’s Wednesday, you’ve had a frantic morning with your family, you need to go grocery shopping, your house is a mess and you can’t find your keys, you arrive to work late (again!) and you realize you still need to type up the notes from yesterday’s meeting before your 9 am call. A sense of […]
Simple Strategies for Banishing Distractions and Focusing on What Matters
Have you ever picked up your phone and ten minutes later wondered what you were supposed to be doing? We’re constantly connected to our devices, and this makes us more disconnected from ourselves, others, and being present. The inability to stay focused has become a common 21st-century problem. We’ve all felt that sense of overwhelm […]
Ask Yourself These 3 Questions to Move Away From Distractions and Achieve Your Goals
If we’re truly honest with ourselves, we are all involved in work that we love but aren’t necessarily the best at. Consider for a moment Florence Foster Jenkins, an American socialite who had dreams of being an opera singer. The problem? She simply could not sing. Her social standing, wealth, and passion allowed her to […]
The Best Ideal Week Practices for Business Owners
Have you heard of Jack Nevison’s research on the “Rule of Fifty”? In his studies on professionals and their productivity, Nevison found that working over 50 hours in a week actually reduced productivity. In fact, 50 hours on the job only equated to about 37 hours of high-quality work. Burning the candle at both ends […]
4 Tips to Negotiate Your Commitments and Get Your Time Back
Negotiating skills often come naturally to business owners. For sales-savvy individuals, securing a seat on a board or signing up for a leadership position isn’t necessarily the problem. However, getting out of these commitments is. These responsibilities come at a cost. Professional and personal obligations quickly add up and can start to drain your time, […]
Eliminate Distractions to Focus on Achievement with This Tool
No good comes from ignoring a check engine light. It’s not going away on its own (in fact, it will most likely get worse). But in life, we do this with ourselves all the time. When we fail to evaluate and improve on the shortcomings of our performance, our problems only grow. Whether you’re established […]